Maintenance Inactive
2024-07-25 09:00:00 2024-07-25 09:15:00 Finished: Maintenance of the XWiki Production System xwiki.desy.de
The maintenance has been finished.


On Donnerstag, 25.7.2024 between 09:00h and 09:15h the central XWiki production system (https://xwiki.desy.de) won't be available for some minutes due to maintenance works.

Caused by: DB Update and necessary reboot
Maintenance Inactive
2024-07-25 09:00:00 2024-07-25 09:15:00 Maintenance of the XWiki Production System xwiki.desy.de
On Donnerstag, 25.7.2024 between 09:00h and 09:15h the central XWiki production system (https://xwiki.desy.de) won't be available for some minutes due to maintenance works.

Caused by: DB Update and necessary reboot